Dating In The World Today

In today's blog I really wanted to talk about dating for those people that are single that are reading my posts. Dating is not my favorite. Don't get me wrong. I really enjoy when I am out on a date with someone but getting to that point is a different story. I myself am an introvert, so getting to know someone that I am not familiar with is really hard for me. It is also hard because I don't really speak very often around those that I don't know. So I will be talking today about healthy and unhealthy dating.

To start everything off, let us make sure that we are all on the same page. Dating someone does not mean to have sexual activities with them. Dating is also not just “hanging out” with them. Elder Dallin H. Oaks statesUnlike hanging out, dating is not a team sport. Dating is pairing off to experience the kind of one-on-one association and temporary commitment that can lead to marriage in some rare and treasured cases.” A date should have the three P’s Paired off, Paid for, and Planned. When you are paired off just like Elder Oaks said, dating is something that we do one-on-one. You make a commitment that you will be with your partner through the entirety of the date. When you are paired off you will be able to get to know that person a lot better than if you were in a group. Paid for means that one person pays for the date (usually the man but also can be the woman). So no going Dutch! And lastly Planned. A date should be planned out so that you are never wondering what to do next. It does not matter if it is simple. I really like something that someone brought to my attention which was that the three P’s Paired off, Paid for, and Planned correlated with The Family: A Proclamation to the World’s Preside, Provide, Protect. This to me confirmed that dating is something that we do to prepare us for marriage.

Alright now that we have that squared away, there are two main ways of dating (I won't be talking about non-committal make out or whatever people call it nowadays since we all know it isn't even considered dating and should not be done as I will explain why later on). The first one I’ll talk about is “Date until you hate”. The way this works is when you meet someone you focus in on them like a laser and pursue them and only them. This tends to not work out so well because you and the person you are dating or trying to date start to hate each other. When you date someone like this you and/or your partner take up every moment that you have whether it be messaging, phone calls, or in person. 

The other way of dating and in my opinion the more healthy way of dating is to date a lot of different people. By dating a lot of different people you gain experience and learn from your mistakes. Also this way you get to know what kind of person you like and will be able to stand to be around when hard times come. So when you do decide that it is time for you to get married you will know what you are looking for in a husband or wife and will be able to make an educated decision. 

If you are wondering what is alright and what isn't I really like the R.A.M model. R.A.M. stands for Relationship Attachment Model and it looks like this.

If you are dating correctly then the sliders should never be higher than the slider to its left. That means you should never trust someone more than you know them. You should never rely on someone more than you trust them etc. etc. 

Alright that's the wrap! Thanks for sticking with me till the end! If you have any questions or comments let me know!


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