The Typical Behaviors of a Male and Female

Female - Typical

Male - Typical


Cooperative Play


Sensitive to Emotional

Emotionally Expressive

Relation Oriented

Detail Orientation

Fine Motor Skills

Attacks Emotions

Active                                               Preside

Combative                                        Provide

Competitive                                      Protect

Spatial Orientation


Myopic-focus on one thing at a time

Gross Motor Skills

Risk Taking

Sees Things in Isolation- like right and wrong

Attacks Physically

We will be discussing the Typical Behaviors of males and females. Notice that I said the Typical Behaviors. There are a few with different behaviors in each and we will touch on that a little later. Let's start with the typical behaviors of females then go to the males. I won’t get to all of them but I will hit on a few.

As you can see from the list above, women have a lot of different traits and behaviors then their male counterparts. Heavenly Father gave women an important trait that they are way better at then almost all the men are and that is to Nurture. Women are amazing at it. I do not understand how being nurturing is something that is looked down upon but that is what the world wants from us. The world wants women to throw away their ability to nurture and care for their children and others. I believe that this is one of if not the most important ability and blessing someone can have. President Heber J. Grant states “There seems to be a power which the mother possesses in shaping the life of the child that is far superior, in my judgment, to the power of the father, and this almost without exception. … After all it is by love, real genuine love of our fellows, that we accomplish the most. A mother’s love seems to be the most perfect and the most sincere, the strongest of any love we know anything about. I, for one, rejoice in it because of its wonderful example to me” (Gospel Standards, 152). I love what President Grant said “A mother’s love seems to be the most perfect and the most sincere, the strongest of any love we know anything about.” I wrote it down again because I believe it is that important for us to think about and to hear again and again. If you want to read more about the role of women in the family my blog post The Roles In The Family has more about it with links for you to follow.

Women are a lot more sensitive to emotion then males are. I know that comes as a surprise to many of you but it is true! Women many times have the males not understood what you were upset about or why you were crying but when you see another woman crying or not doing well you could sympathize with her. I believe that this ties into the nurturing behavior because women are just able to tell what her child is feeling or needing at the moment. If it was the father they would look at the child that's crying because he had just lost his balloon and tell him that he's fine we’ll just buy another one. Whereas the mother would hug the child and console him before helping him realize that they can buy another one. The mother will make an emotional connection where the father just thought logically and expected the child to understand.

Now the male side of things. I know when you looked at the chart you thought that the males didn’t have any good qualities that were listed. When you look at it, it says males are aggressive, combative, and focus on one thing at a time. Now I, as a man, can agree that this is true. That doesn’t sound too good but it is normal and definitely needed for a man to Provide and to Protect his family. Women and children want and need to feel secure in their own home. Most of the list that puts a bad taste in peoples mouths like the ones I have already mentioned are to protect their loved ones. Men become aggressive and combative when someone threatens their loved ones whether it be physical violence or they are abusing them verbally and when that kicks in their focus zooms in on one point and that is the danger to their loved ones.  Now lets talk about the focusing on one thing at a time without a threat around. A lot of wives get mad at their husbands because they focus on something and tune everything out but it does come in handy to us males. (It might sound like I am defending us males that do this a lot and you are probably right.) It is a great ability to have when we are working. When we focus on work we can put everything that we have into it and then when the day is over and we head home we put work out of our mind. This way we can put our focus on the family when we get home.(Definitely not the football game, right?)

Aright if you have any questions or comments let me know! I would love to hear from you. I know I didn’t cover everything and didn’t go into too much depth but if you want more info comment and I will give you some links so you can read more about it.


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